3V CMOS ML 2032 Rechargeable Battery - ML2032 Rechargeable Battery for Logitech K750 Keyboard - Coin Cell Motherboard Batteries freeshipping - Rome Tech Cases

羅技 K750 鍵盤充電電池 3V ML2032


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Best-In-Class Warranty

貨號: ML2032
可用性 : 有存貨 預購 缺貨


For Battery Orders, we will reach out with an email order verification to verify your CMOS battery. This is to ensure that you receive the correct battery. Please respond as soon as possible to prevent any further delays in your order.
Rome Tech ML2032 可充電電池性能可靠、耐用,保證自安裝之日起 12 個月內保持 80% 的額定容量。 Rome Tech 電池僅與原始設備兼容

羅技無線太陽能鍵盤 K750、主板、手錶、體重秤等

ROME TECH ML 2032 電池主要優點:
  • 改善ML2032鋰電池放電特性
  • 高品質分級和分選的 A' 級電池;
  • 電池通過了重要的測試程序,包括熱循環、振盪、過充測試模擬和外部短路。

單擊立即添加到購物車,然後用全新的 Rome Tech OEM ML2032 電池更換舊的損壞電池!

100% 滿意保證

Rome Tech 提供“10 天無條件退貨或換貨”

每件購買的產品均享有“6 個月產品保修”。聯繫我們 或者 了解更多